Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hello. My name is Era and I am a writer with reader phobia.

When I neither read or write, I talk. I talk a lot, I'm full of stories, i find communications to be my strongest feature. But once i sit down to write, i tend to confide to the paper what i can not pronounce with voice, what i can not share with close people, something deeply personal and confidential. I enjoy writing process, letters gradually filling up the paper, thoughts untangle, become linear, dilemmas solve themselves elegantly. Many friends have been very curious about my writing, asking me to send them a few samples, imagining that my writing should be even more sophisticated and better organised than my stories. I get confused, i turn red, and mumble something inarticulate in response: yes, i hate it when people remind me of my Achilles heal, remind me that i am a writer with reader phobia.
In the car going to the desert of Nevada, for Burning man festival, Brian was telling me about Black Rock Desert as a highly magical place, where all dreams come true. "It is always good to ask desert for something. If you have a moral quest, a creative block, if you lack something in your life, verbalize it in your mind, and make sure by the end of the burning week you will have it" - that was so tough to believe! But - yes! - your writer with reader phobia did start her book on the second day of burning.. As it will progress, i will let you know.. :)

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