Thursday, September 23, 2010

Entry 1.2: Internet Research

-- My love, for you I'd do anything, but PLEASE don't ask me to go watch a horror film in 3D! (from a conversation with my boyfriend)
My first and last horror film was The Nightmare on Elk Street, and it kept giving me nightmares for a decade to follow. I still remember how blood would run cold: I'd freeze in terror, I felt the crystallised fear crawling up my spine. I still remember hoe fear feels in the muscles around my eyes. And the last thing i want is to experience it again..
If i think of supernatural creatures, I could probably deal with gods - not boring and strict christian orthodox god, who looked even more weird following the atheistic soviet past of the area where i got to grow up,
not mentioning the wicked pope who comes along with him

more like the diverse and parti-colored crowd of gods of ancient civilizations, such as Greek pantheon

or Indian, or Egyptian..
I enjoy the Greek divine cynicism, bad-assness, and obvious humanly sinful nature, including, but not limited to, addictive habits (Dionisios)
Indian gods are way less bad ass, but very wise and associate in my mind with infinite tolerance, blurred visions, and an animal creature, cross breed between elephant (Ganesh) and a cow (Indian sacred animal).

Egyptian gods are aggressive, bloody hungry and very bossy.

UFOs and aliens is another sphere of my intent interest. ET, call home!
Extraterrestrial, these creatures are cute, totally inhumane, even in that they are so intelligent, wise, and well-natured. Ugly, but how stylish (or, better say, well designed) they are so much more technologically savvy than the earthians, that it doesn't take them long to figure out all about shallow human business, and they leave soon, disappointed, in search for more exciting civilizations...

In less sophisticated peasant folklore, widely known as fairytales, i tend to like those Know-it-all-jack-of-all-trades-wise-panties guys: they seem to be pretty down to Earth and I enjoy their simple lovely humor, that makes you rather kindly smile than burst out laughing...They are Robin Hoods of some sort, in that they help regular petty people to fight against oppressive kings, but less dramatic, I would say. They are kind of like magicians, but without diploma, self-taught. Magicians I don't like, I think they have attitude. I also don't like mermaids. I think they have fishy breath and curse dirty, like fishermen. I do like alchemists for the wise pick of trade (turning copper into gold) and ability to keep secrets.

Did I mention that I have a secret thing for witch craft, especially the fancy witch carnival from the movie Four Rooms.
My favorite book of mysticism would be "Master and Margarita" by M.Bulgakov. In this novel the irresistibly attractive Satan (Voland) picks Moscow as the city for the upcoming witch carnival and honors Margarita to be the hostess of the devil reunion. Voland is escorted by a lovely bunch of mystic characters, including Begemot, the oversized black cat who could talk, but only after a shot of vodka.

If you haven't read it yet, i highly recommend it!


The links:


  1. I've been there. One day, I was on a train, watching the trailer of the movie, 'the nightmare on elk street' on my iPhone. I almost screamed on the train. haha..

  2. I have to watch this movie... that must be an extreme type ..I like horror movies specially monster type and bloody and ugly face.

  3. Arugh my friend and I were also talking about watching a scary movie in 3D because just the other day we watched Avatar in Imax. I also watched Nightmare on Elmstreet(/).(\) i could not uncover my eyes for a second>_<... I know the new Saw movie is coming out in 3D perhaps, your boyfriend will take you to see that..haha:P

  4. no way lol thank god i have enough trustworthy girlfriends who could substitute me for this special case. to tell the truth, i am even afraid to read the coroline!

  5. That was a lot of work! Nice. I like to see students use the blog for photos and etc.
