Thursday, November 4, 2010

Project ideas - Mistification/ Treasure Hunt

A few years ago my boyfriend at the time set up the best surprise for me - a Teasure Hunt! I had to run from one place to another, decode his hints, find all the right people, complete tasks and handle challenges, guess and make mistakes and come back to the track in order to find my gift in the end (I do not have to mention what was my treasure, do I?) This year I managed to do a few of these projects for my favourite people. So I am planning to design a Treasure Hunt for my next victim and shape it as a Monomyth (call for adventure-> supernatural aid-->treshold--> mentor/helper -->abyss-->atonement -->return). Professor Smith suggested that I should do the Hunt for his next class, but it's extremely difficult for me to create the trip for a virtual addressee and especially for a group.


  1. This is awesome! I love the creativity. Good thinking! Going with Professor Smith...maybe you can just provide links to places that can connect the dots and maybe hint what they should be seeking.

  2. That sounds like a cool idea!

  3. Wow you're planning big project! It sounds very interesting. :)

  4. What a great idea and it seems like you already got a plan, this should really be a really great presentation. I don't think anyone is going to have anything of this sort. Using the monomyth structure is a great way to structure this.Do it do it do it, i cannot wait to see this.

  5. Thanks for feedback, I actually decided to follow prof's advice and do something nice for our community alma mater. Unfortunately, LaGuardia misses out on a good presentation of the school facilities to the new students, and with my treasure hunt i will try to bridge this gap, making teams of students visit library and writing center, gym and financial aid office, apply for a scholarship and find something healthy to eat in the nearby areas. woohooo, im excited! :)

  6. very cool .. sounds coool

  7. whoa totally cool!! hope i can do the treasure hunt LOVE THOSE GAMES!! approved
