Thursday, October 21, 2010

3.1 Macbeth by punchdrunk: Sleep No More

Punchdrunk production inspired by Shakespeare's Macbeth is an experimental theatrical performance which has risen a wave of contradictory response - from questioning its artistic value to true admiration. Theatrical experiment takes place in an abandoned building, and the spectators are not assigned a seat. As they enter the space of the show, they are free to wander wherever they like and leave whenever they wish. Many return to the show, because when they leave first time, they are still extremely confused as of what happened to them this night:) Incredible set design and costumes, interactive acting (where one never knows whether a person in the building is an actor or spectator) lets one fully dissolve into the experience and feel the inspiration of the director of the show. I would call it a "hyper play", just like a hyper text or hyper link. You enter the mysterious and frightening imagination of an extremely diverse and creative team, it's like collective subconscious, its like a group nightmare, it's like nothing you have ever seen before.

Just like Lady Macbeth could not find peace and fall asleep after provoking her husband for the bloody dids, so will you not be able to find yourself in Morpheus' embrace. Don't try sleeping pills, as you might get stuck in your own nightmare for a long time. Look at the photo above - lonely, naked, scared, Macbeth is so terrified of his own deeds and the following revenge that he puts himself in the corner (symbol of no way out of the situation). His nudity symbolizes weakness and vulnerability. His pose (fetus) stands for extreme insecurity. The objects seen on the table include dead bird and bloody knife (obviously, murder) and dirty pots and pans (dirty inclinations of the ones who staged the regicide). Macbeth is in the spot light, like during the Doomsday, and in my opinion it symbolizes that his secret is open, everyone knows. Scary.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One quick question, why did you choose this picture instead of Macbeth image? because you really explain how lady Macbeth felt. So, why not choose one of her.

  3. Very interesting choice for the image. It is different. I really enjoyed reading your post and your analysis of the visual symbols. I found a couple of sentences a bit confusing, probabbly because you haven't revised this yet.

  4. Lucero: it's an image of Macbeth (i think) and i chose it because of it's high symbolic value. i mentioned Lady Macbeth's insomnia to explain the name of the show - Sleep No More.
    Aurelian - please point out the confusing parts to me, as it will definitely help me improve my writing. i tend towards excessively long and complicated constructions, and i know i need to work on it:)
